Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Then of course, there's always Albania. A friend of mine, also a consultant, just got back from a gig there a while back. He managed to bring me back the one thing I'd asked for - an original printed-in-Tirane edition of anything by Hoxha. My glee cetainly must have provided Judy with yet further evidence of my questionable mental stability.

Then we rented the recent Clive Owen vehicle " The Inside Man ". A decent flick, entertainment-wise. I like Clive.

Anyway - without giving away the plot - a recording of a speech by Hoxha is used as a plot device at one point in the movie.

Funny isn't it how life works - you hear nary a word about Enver Hoxha for years, and then suddenly * wham * - books, movies ...

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