Friday, October 20, 2006

Image is everything !

My close friend Steve has an uncanny knack for carefully mulling over any idea or issue you throw at him, and coming back with an elegant solution or response.

In the "As if I didn't have enough things going to fill my time" category, I've recently taken up an interest in amateur DJing. Obsessively image conscious as I am when it comes to pretty much everything, I naturally felt that I immediately needed a moniker and a corresponding logo - even without a gig in sight. Well actually I *do* have a gig coming up now, but I didn't at the time when decided I needed an "image". Just shows to go (sic) - you can never be too prepared.

Enter Steve. He found the name and designed the logo.
It's a reference to the character Lestat in Anne Rice's vampire novels. It's also a reference to - OK here it comes - a sort of nickname I've been stuck with for several years. Actually it refers more to a sort of ... grinning, mischievous alter ego who's been known to *ahem* ... take over my person from time to time.

But I'd best leave that for another post. Or two. Or none !

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